Saturday, October 6, 2012

I come alive as summer dies

It is currently 82F outside, and I just came in from gardening with sweat rolling down my back.  Can we be done with summer please?  I much prefer the fall and winter.  I grew up in the Midwest where the snow piled up from the end of the October into April.  We had blizzards on my brother's May birthday some years.

This is the bush growing on the side of the garage.  I'm not sure when it showed up...last time I paid attention, there were just some dead twigs there.  A convenient place to dump bags of yard trash until I could fit them in the can.  The morning glory vines have climbed into the backyard, making a rather ugly corner into something beautiful.  I spent twenty minutes ripping them and the vines with the white flowers that creeping across the ground out.  My poor garden globe wasn't working because they grew completely over its solar panel.  I freed it and jabbed it in the ground where it will get to warm itself in direct sunlight for the entire afternoon.

Showers, when you are filthy and stink so bad you can smell yourself, are glorious things.  Living alone means I can wander around the house in a giant t-shirt and underpants.  Though I long for the days when I have people living with me again so I have to at least add shorts to the ensemble before leaving the bedroom/bathroom.

Joined a new church--Cypress Trails UMC.  It's tiny and old and their attendance goal for the two Sunday services combined is only 150 people.  It's usually me and 25-30 elderly people at the 08:30 service.  It's good to sing the hymns I learned as a child again.

Working on my autobiography for The Bair Foundation.  It's supposed to be 4-10 pages.  I'm at 6, but that's with pictures added.  There's so much I need to do--get my fire inspection done (by an actual inspector this time, not just a social worker), get fingerprinted, finish this mountain of paperwork.  I've been running a little ragged these past two weeks, so there hasn't been much forward momentum.

I hate writing about myself.  It's my least favorite subject, lol.

Currently, the dogs are curled up asleep in their bed, Leia snoring away (she had distemper as a puppy and the fallout was that she now snores like a bandsaw despite only being 20 lbs).  You'd think they'd been the ones yanking out vines.

Turns out that I do get time off this year--two floating holidays and a week's vacation--it just isn't being reflected on my paychecks, which means another fight with payroll.  (The company I work for is so large that payroll is contracted out.)  I wish I had known sooner so I could have gone to work at Pine Ridge before Re-member shut down for the winter.  Maybe next fall.  Depending on when my KAM can squeeze in my week off, I'm thinking about flying up to Ohio.  See Grandmom, visit Bowling Green, spend some time in a place where the backs of my knees won't sweat.  

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